This website offers dentists and dental technicians online access to download items for Dentsply Sirona products.

Use the filters to search your desired document type. You can also use the full-text search by entering the reference number (REF) or name of the product (e.g. PIT041521 or ProTaper Gold).

If the search result is incorrect or you get an error message, please check your filter and keyword or contact us.

If you would like to download several documents at once or request printed copies of specific documents, you can tick the box on the top left corner of the cards and select either "Download" or "Print Order".

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The following asset types are available:

  • Instructions for Use (IFU)
  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
  • Declaration of Conformity
  • Summary of Safety and Clinical Performance (SSCP)
  • QMS Certificate
  • CE Certificate
  • Care and Cleaning Plan (CARE)
  • CAD/CAM Libraries
  • Installation Requirements
  • Processing Guides
  • Recycling Passes
  • Brochures
  • Flyers
  • Scientific Manuals
  • Quick Reference Guide
  • Terms & Conditions
Please find Wellspect IFUs and eMDRs here.


MRI safety for DS Implants

Introduction of the MR symbol on the product label for implantable products is in progress. The MRI safety information will be found in the IFU and valid for all implantable products.
During a limited time, there will be products with an IFU including the MRI safety information even when there is no MR symbol on the product label. For MRI Safety Information please click here.

Need help? Feel free to contact us for more information here.

Please be aware that the content of the Instructions for Use can vary based on the regulatory requirements in your country.

Electronic Labeling/ e-labeling

Symbols Glossary

Explanations of the symbols used on Dentsply Sirona packaging:

Contact us to get an IFU

If you are looking for an IFU or you would like to receive a free printed copy of Instructions for Use (EU only), please click the link below to contact us.

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