CEREC MTL Zirconia from Dentsply Sirona


Why choose CEREC MTL Zircona?

High Esthetics

Due to its high translucency and improved color matching characteristics, CEREC MTL Zirconia meets all esthetic needs.

High Strenghts

The high strength of > 850MPa1 of CEREC MTL Zirconia benefits both, dentist and patient. Restorative treatment is even possible in areas with limited space.

Easy Workflow

Time saving and efficient.

Fast Zirconia Workflow

Most efficient when using the CEREC Primemill & CEREC SpeedFire.


The CEREC MTL Zirconia Workflow

Dental Cements Guide

Find the right cement for your restoration

Fast Chairside Zirconia Workflow

CEREC Primemill and CEREC SpeedFire for a fast CEREC MTL Zirconia workflow.


Further resources can be found in our Download Center.

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  1. 3-point bending strength
  2. Minimum Wall thickness for a posterior Katana Zirconia Block (Kuraray Nortiake) crown is 1.0 mm. Minimum wall thickness for CEREC MTL Zirconia crown is 0.6 mm.
  3. Internal data on file. For more information, contact Consumables-Data-Requests@dentsplysirona.com  
  4. For Super Fast Milling it is recommended to increase the minimum wall thickness to 0.7 mm.
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