We are committed to being part of the solution to close the global gender pay gap. We strive for gender parity and fair representation of diverse talent across all levels of our organization. This includes Board-level reporting of DE&I metrics, regularly evaluating compensation practices and rolling out DE&I scorecards for Management Committee members.
In 2020 we signed the Paradigm for Parity cross-sector diversity commitment and renewed our commitment as a signatory in 2022. Paradigm for Parity is a coalition of more than 130 CEOs, executives, board members, founders and experts dedicated to providing women and men equal opportunity and power, and achieving gender parity by 2030. We are proud of being more aspirational and ahead of this pledge by aiming for 2025.
In becoming signatories to the coalition and the goal, we pledge to grow a diverse talent pool, improve employee diversity and gender balance, advocate for women‘s advancement in senior positions within the Company and measure and monitor our progress to ensure accountability.
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