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Connect with one of our Restorative product specialists to learn more about the Calibra Cement Family.

For all your definite cementation needs

Definitive Cements are used for permanent placement of indirect restorations. One of the key tasks is to provide reliable marginal seal. Sealing the space between indirect restoration and prepared tooth is one of the essential tasks of any dental cement. Thus, penetration of microorganisms and caries formation is delayed as long as possible.

Definitive Cements can be broken down into two groups: 

  • Classic or Conventional Cements (Paste-Paste or Powder-Liquid)
  • Resin Cements (Adhesive or Self-Adhesive)

The Calibra family of definitive cements was designed to make it easier than ever to achieve consistent, successful results in your indirect restorations.

Resin-Based Cements


Why choose Calibra Cements?

Easy Cleanup

Because 21% of crown failures are due to secondary caries, of which excess cement can be one of the contributing factors,³ thorough removal of excess is key to ensuring durable restorations. Most cements give you extremely limited time for cleanup, increasing the likelihood of excess being left on the tooth, especially interproximally.1 Calibra Cements offer easy, unhurried cleanup for convenience and the assurance of a long-lasting restoration.

Reliable Brand

Calibra is a trusted brand with over a decade of clinical performance.

Simplified Cement Selection

Determining which cement is best suited for a specific indication has been complicated and confusing, and can cause a restoration to fail if selected incorrectly. 

Use our Selection Tool to find the right cement and ensure the success of your restorations.

Dental Cements Guide

Find the right cement for your restoration

The answer to which cement is correct for a certain situation depends largely on the type of restoration and its wall thickness. Fundamentally all types of CEREC Tessera glass ceramic restoration can be cemented fully adhesively. 

  • Inlays, onlays and partial crowns have to be cemented fully adhesively, that is using Prime&Bond and Calibra Ceram.
  • Veneers have to be cemented fully adhesively, that is using Prime&Bond and Calibra Veneer.
  • Anterior and posterior crowns with a wall thickness of approximately 1.5 millimeters or more may also be cemented with a glass ionomer technology based cement, such as Calibra Universal.

Inlays, onlays and partial crown restorations with a wall-thickness <1.5mm

Contact us

Find out more about our Restorative products and solutions.

1. Mitchell CA, Pintado MR, Geary L, Douglas WH Retention of adhesive cement on the tooth surface after crown cementation. J Prosthet Dent 1999; 81: 668-677. 

2. Calibra Universal is intended for cementation of indirect restorations including ceramic, composite and metal-based inlays, onlays crowns, bridges, and posts.

3. Amani, L. C., Pereira, C. A., Guerra, E., Souza, R., Jorge, A., & Bottino, M. (2012). Morphology and bacterial colonisation of tooth/ceramic restoration interface after different cement excess removal techniques. Journal of Dentistry,40, 742-749.

4. The Key Group, Inc.: 2015 Dental Omnibus: Quarter 1 Voice of Customer Reports.

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