The Enhance® Finishing System accomplishes the entire process of excess removal, contouring, and finishing simply by varying the pressure. Push harder to remove excess composite, ease it off for final results. In just one step the Enhance® Finishing System delivers a smooth, contoured surface with a natural looking finish. It’s all about pressure. Finish in one step.
Enhance® is controlled by pressure applied and can complete bulk removal and finishing using a single component.
Choose from cups, points and discs, as well as the regular and mini sizes. Find the right size and shape for the tooth shape and location.
No time-consuming re-processing, more hygienic, saves time and effort.
"The best composite finishing system I have used to date! Great for contouring and polishing to a high gloss."
R. Rosswog, DMD - Pittsburgh, PA
"The Enhance® finishing system provides predictable composite finishing with efficiency and ease."
C. Blake, DDS - Washington , DC
"This system is fast, efficient and provides a great smooth surface and lustre for our patient's restorations."
P. Arciniega, DDS, owner El Segundo Dental Arts, Inc - El Segundo, CA
Related Content
1. Christensen, G J. (2014). Simplifying your Class II Compositae Finishing Technique. Clinicians Report, Volume 7 Issue 4.
2. da Costa J. Ferracane JL (OHSU, Portland, OR), Unpublished commissioned study, data on file. For more information, contact
3. Not a registered Trademark of Dentsply Sirona, Inc.
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