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3D Printing
In today's world, "digital" is omnipresent, and has long since arrived in the dental industry. At Dentsply Sirona, we are constantly developing digital solutions - not for the sake of being innovative, but for the benefit of you and your patients. A digitally connected treatment center is dedicated towards supporting your workflows. It streamlines processes, since functions for patient communication, implant or endo treatments are already integrated. It provides you and your patients with all relevant information needed during a treatment.
"With the integrated patient communication system, I can let the patient see what I see. The direct involvement results in trust, a higher case acceptance and increased recommendations."
Dr. Verena Freier, Bad Soden, Germany
Let us guide you through the configuration of media files step by step, so you can easily control them via the EasyTouch user interface.
To let you fully focus on the center of the treatment - the patient's mouth - we are constantly working on functions that make it easier for you to keep your focus. The dental unit plug-ins for implantology and endodontic treatment are designed for exactly this purpose. Through the display on the Sivision monitor, you have all relevant parameters already in your field of view.
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