SKU Lookup
Enter the SKU in the search bar and click Enter to search the entire product catalog. Once you have found the desired product, you can choose the amount and add it to the cart.
Import Excel File
To import an Excel sheet with your products and the amounts, enter the article number in a column and the amount in a separate column. After you choose your file to upload (in xls or xlsx format only), you need to specify the columns in the quick order table in which the product information and the amount lines are included. For example, if you entered the products (article numbers) in the first column, enter “A” in the Products field. If you entered the amounts in the second column, enter “B” in the Amount field. If your Excel file has article names in the third column, the Text field is optional.
Copy & Paste
Enter desired products and quantities separated by spaces or pipes ("|"). The products you selected will show up in the My Cart section and you can proceed to checkout immediately.
You can use the quick link under the name dropdown, or you can also find the quick order functionality under My Account.