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Xios Intraoral Holder Systems from Dentsply Sirona


Why choose Xios Intraoral Holder Systems?

Image Accuracy

Xios Intraoral Holder Systems help to simplify your diagnostic workflow and provide additional positioning control for an accurate and precise image capture.

Easy Positioning

Holders help to accurately capture the target tooth of interest and add additional stability, streamlining the workflow process.


Capture diagnostically acceptable intraoral images in a single, well-executed take, maximising patient comfort and safety.

Positive Patient Experience

Consistent X-rays with minimal added bulk to the holders, and a great tool to help limit image retakes and cut down additional treatment time.

"The ease of positioning means I expose better quality images for my doctors, meaning my patients are not re-exposed to additional radiation. The quality, comfort and safety of the Dentsply Sirona sensor make it an essential tool in the provision of elevated and comprehensive patient care."

Katrina Sanders, RDH, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Tips and education for better intraoral imaging

The goal of dental radiology is to obtain high-quality images while minimising radiation exposure and keeping every patient as comfortable as possible. Consider how these tips may assist in challenging situations.




  • Know what to choose based on anatomical challenge.
  • The paralleling technique using aiming devices is recommended for fewer errors and retakes.
  • The bisecting angle technique using media holders are recommended for patients with anatomical challenges, and during endodontic and implant procedures.



  • Use the largest sensor possible to obtain maximum information.
  • Have a protocol in place for when to switch to a smaller sensor.



  • Place in the centre of the mouth for the paralleling technique.
  • Use cotton rolls, especially in vertical positions and edentulous areas.



  • Place the sensor parallel to the teeth.
  • Use the indicator slot to align with interproximal spaces on bitewings.
  • Align the central beam through the contact areas.
  • Adjust vertical angulation on bitewings to capture adequate bone levels.
  • With premolar bitewings, to capture the distal of the canine, adjust the media approximately 15 degress distomesial.


Further downloads are provided within our Download Centre.

Contact us

Find out more about the X-ray Solutions from Dentsply Sirona and request information on intraoral X-ray, software or 2D and 3D imaging technology.

1. Acharya S, Pai K, Acharya S. Repeat film analysis and its implications for quality assurance in dental radiology: An institutional case study. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry. 2015;6(3):392-395.