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Together we can achieve more.

Reach out to learn more about what SureSmile® Adaptive Trimlines can do for you.

Suggested applications on how to apply the best trimline per stage:


1. 0mm Straight Trim - suitable for most cases, balances flexibility and stiffness

2. 2mm Straight Trim – deep bite correction, bodily movements, arch expansion, torque expression

3. Scalloped Trim – Severe crowding, isolated extrusions and rotations, recession and larger undercuts on tooth anatomy, or
excessive spacing

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Find out more about Orthodontics from Dentsply Sirona and request information on SureSmile, Essix and other products.

1. Elshazly et al. Effect of trimming line design and edge extension of orthodontic aligners on force transmission: An in vitro study. Journal of Dentistry. 2022 Oct;; 125:104276

2. Cowley DP, Mah J, O’Toole, B. The effect of gingival-margin design on the retention of thermoformed aligners. J Clin Orthod. 2012;46(11):697-702