Critical aspects such as provisional fit, patient education and compliance, and final crown fit all can be attributed to the material and techniques you use to capture the patient's original dental anatomy. Selecting the right dental impression material and the right techniques can also save you time and money by reducing how much trimming and adjusting of the provisional and final restoration you or your dental assistant will need to do. Algin•X Ultra alginate alternative is a Vinylpoly Siloxane impression material designed to afford you high levels of accuracy, easy matrix handling and shaping, and long-term stability. Ultimately helping to ensure provisional fabrication success initially and later on, in those occasions where a patient breaks or loses their provisional.
Algin•X Ultra material allows for more procedure flexibility over traditional alginates due to its ability to be shaped and adjusted, keeping your carefully designed matrix as a permanent record. Removing interproximal contacts, building cusps, and more, help ensure optimal form and function, allowing your provisional to truly be a first glimpse of your final restoration.
Your time is important. Saving time in meaningful ways helps increase production and both employee and patient satisfaction. Algin•X Ultra material is available in a convenient auto-mix delivery system that eliminates the need for hand-mixing impression materials and cleaning up the mess afterward.
Algin•X Ultra material is designed to reliably deliver optimal preliminary impressions that remain accurate 14 days after taking. Short- and long-term dimensional stability help you deliver your best during visit one and save you time in cases where repairs or remakes are necessary.