As a leader in the dental industry, we are committed to extensive and sound research and documentation of product performance, efficacy and safety.
An important part of our clinical research program is the Investigator Initiated Studies, in which Dentsply Sirona supports external research projects. As part of the program, a large number of projects have been initiated and conducted by clinicians from different countries all over the world to investigate a variety of products and indications.
Each year a large number of applications are submitted to us and approximately 40% are approved for support. Currently more than 150 supported Investigator Initiated Studies are ongoing involving more than 300 investigators in over 20 countries. Will your project be the next to qualify?
If you have a proposal for a research project for which you would like to apply for support, please feel free to contact us.
Available research support from Dentsply Sirona is products and/or financial support up to a maximum of 49% of your total study cost. Your proposal will of course be treated with confidentiality.
Our Global IIS Review Committee reviews all submitted proposals maintaining confidentiality and determining its interest in the expected outcome and that no medical, scientific or ethical concern exists.
The study proposal should include the information detailed in the Study proposal form that you can download below. Since this type of project is sponsored and owned by the investigator, we support maximum 49% of the total study cost. Please note that off-label use of our products is not approved within the IIS program.
Your request will be organised through your local contact and you can expect a response within approximately eight weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your local contact or send an e-mail to:
For all clinical studies we require a copy of the Ethics Committee/IRB approval before we can give any support. For further information regarding regulatory requirements, please visit the following websites:
Declaration of Helsinki
ISO Standards
FDA - Center for Devices and Radiological Health
The poster/oral presentation must be accepted for presentation at an international congress, which has a review process for abstract submission.
We can provide support for travel up to a certain amount. The travel grant can cover costs for:
Each study and investigator is only eligible for one travel grant per congress.
IIS study proposal form, submit via email to:
We make your research happen - information brochure about research support at Dentsply Sirona Implants.
By confirming you are a dental or healthcare professional, you also agree that you will abide by the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.