DS Points Plus is our loyalty rewards programme for online customers*. You can redeem points for savings on future online purchases of products.
Customer’s earn points on most online purchases^ made through dentsplysirona.com. Orders placed online by our Customer Service team (as impersonation orders) do not earn points.
There are three levels or tiers of rewards in the DS Points Plus program based on a member’s total annual spend with Dentsply Sirona in the previous calendar year.
COBALT: Annual spend <£5,000 = 2 points per £ spent
GOLD: Annual spend £5,000-£9,999 = 3 points per £ spent
TITANIUM: Annual spend >£10,000 = 5 points per £ spent
Online redemption rate (across all levels): 1 point = £0.01
For example, if a member qualifies for the Cobalt level, and they spend £1,000 on products at dentsplysirona.com, they earn 2,000 points. Each point is worth £0.01, so 2,000 points rewards a Cobalt member with £20.00 in savings on a future online order (2,000 points x £0.01 = £20.00).
* The DS Points Plus rewards program is a loyalty program offered by Dentsply Sirona Inc. to certain customers of the Company. The DS Points Plus program is not available to those who have trade agreements in place e.g. Government, University/Dental School, NHS and Community Groups, Corporate customers and buying groups (DSOs), Retail Customers and Students/Residents.
^ Products sold online, but not at dentsplysirona.com are not included. Specific examples include but are not limited to SureSmile, Orametrix, Atlantis, Azento, and Simplant. Additionally, points are not earned for CE courses sold online through dentsplysirona.com.