Manage Users within My Practice

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If you are the administrator of an account, you can add several users to enable your colleagues or employees to shop online through the same account with individual login credentials. Go to User Access Management and click on "Invite Member". Enter the email address of the person that you would like to invite to your practice. They will receive an invitation email to join the account. Once accepted, users will have their default role set to Member, which can be updated by an Admin through the User Access Management page at any time. You can invite multiple members by separating each email address with a comma.

To change the admin for your account, follow the directions below:

1. Hover over your name in the top-right corner of and select My Account

2. Select User Access Management under Your Practices

3. Here you can remove, add, or invite users to your account. You can also update a users’ role to either member or admin by hovering over the user’s name and selecting the pencil icon then update role