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Find the products your practice needs to succeed.

Bring innovation to your practice with Oraqix.

The needle-free anesthetic for scaling and/or root planing

Early treatment of gingivitis is key to preventing the development of periodontitis. Additionally, failure to comply with an ongoing periodontal maintenance program may contribute to the recurrence or progression of the periodontal disease process.

That’s why providing a better patient experience during periodontal therapy is so important.

Oraqix is a non-injectable, pH neutral anesthetic which is safe for use on inflamed tissue and can be used in conjunction with injectable anesthetics. 


Why choose Oraqix?

pH Neutral

safe for use on inflamed tissue

Needle free

Fast onset and short duration

30 seconds onset and approximately 20 minutes to be effective

Transforms from a liquid to a gel

on contact and can be dispensed directly into a pocket


How does Oraqix help ease patient anxiety and improve recare?

Listen to this testimonial by Kim Miller, RDH, BSDH. Kim Miller received her BSDH in 1981 from Loma Linda University.  She’s a Lead Profitability Coach with Inspired Hygiene, an international speaker and a monthly columnist for RDH magazine. 


Quick delivery, fast onset, easy application

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Find out more about how Dentsply Sirona Preventive's line of products can help enhance your patient experience.

  1. Matthews DC., Rocchi A., Gafini A., (2001). Factors affecting patients’ and potential patients choices among anesthetics for periodontal recall visits. Journal of Dentistry 29:173-179. Page 176
  2. Matthews DC., Rocchi A., Gafini A., (2001). Factors affecting patients’ and potential patients choices among anesthetics for periodontal recall visits. Journal of Dentistry 29:173-179. Page 177
  3. Matthews DC., Rocchi A., Gafini A., (2001). Factors affecting patients’ and potential patients choices among anesthetics for periodontal recall visits. Journal of Dentistry 29:173-179.