prepCheck uses a color concept whereby the quality of the results is displayed using various colors. The main colors are green, blue and red:
Green - The result is not within the specified value range, however the user is still able to improve the preparation.
Blue - The result is within the specified value range.
Red - The result is not within the specified value range and the user is no longer able to make improvements.
prepCheck can be used in two different modes:
Comparison with “Master Preparation”
Within this function, the user has the option of duplicating a precisely specified preparation, the "Master Preparation". The analysis function calculates a 3D comparison between the student’s preparation and the master preparation and depicts the deviations between the two preparations in color.
This function is used in pre-clinical education.
Comparison with pre-defined parameter values
prepCheck is also able to compare a student’s preparation against parameters that were pre-set for defined indications (instead against a master preparation). Deviations between the parameters of the two preparations are depicted in color.
This function is used in clinical education when working on patients, and can also be used in pre-clinical education.