GLYMATRIX® Core Technology mimics the natural collagen cycle in our body, a natural biochemical process called glycation, and is what powers OSSIX products for Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) and Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR).
GLYMATRIX technology utilizes naturally occurring nontoxic sugar to cross-link collagen molecules, producing a collagen matrix. It is fully bioprogrammable for specifically engineering long-lasting biomaterials with enhanced stability and specialized properties needed for OSSIX products. Ideally suited for reconstructive and aesthetic medicine, it enables tailoring unique biomaterials to perform in a manner appropriate to their intended application. This represents a novel design of collagen-based bio-matrices — the resultant cross-linked collagen matrix looks and feels like part of the patient’s own tissue.
GLYMATRIX-based products are trusted by tens of thousands of clinicians worldwide.
Clinically proven, GLYMATRIX is covered by over 100 scientific publications, with extensive clinical experience worldwide spanning decades in hundreds of thousands of procedures. This proprietary core technology is the subject of several international patents and is the culmination of years of research into glycation as a cross-linking mechanism.