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Bring innovation to your practice with ProTaper Gold.

The ProTaper Gold Family


Why choose ProTaper Gold?

Developed by specialists

A patented, progressively tapered design serves to significantly improve cutting efficiency and safety.*


The convex triangular cross-section enhances cutting action while decreasing rotational friction between the blade of the file and dentin.¹

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 * Berutti E, Negro AR, Lendini M, Pasqualini D. Influence of manual preflaring and torque on the failure rate of ProTaper rotary instruments. J Endod. 2004 Apr;30(4):228-30.

  1. West J. Endodontic Update 2006. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2006; 18(5): 280-300. Review.
  2. Average value for ProTaper Gold compared to ProTaper Universal. Based on internal testing. Data on file.
  3. For ProTaper Gold F3 finishing file. Average cyclic fatigue resistance of the ProTaper Gold system is x 2.4 superior to the ProTaper Universal system. Based on internal testing. Data on file.
  4. Average value for ProTaper Gold compared to ProTaper Universal. Based on internal testing. Data on file.
  5. Shen Y, Cheung GS, Bian Z, Peng B. Comparison of defects in ProFile and ProTaper® systems after clinical use. J Endod. 2006 Jan;32(1):61-5.
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