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Pourquoi choisir la solution TruNatomy?

Plus de dentine préservée

TruNatomy préserve l’intégrité structurelle de la dentine et des dents.

Amélioration de la sécurité des patients

Les limes TruNatomy offrent une sécurité accrue, car le risque de rupture est réduit en raison de leur plus grande flexibilité et de leur résistance à la fatigue cyclique2

Efficacité supérieure

Les trois limes de façonnage présentent une forme fine combinée à une section transversale unique pour une meilleure performance tout en offrant plus d’espace pour un débridement complet.

Accès aux molaires

Facilite l’accès aux dents postérieures grâce au manche le plus court du marché et à la possibilité de pré-courber.


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TruNatomy is part of an endodontic treatment solution of files, matching paper points and Gutta-Percha points. Its unique file is designed to follow the natural anatomy of the root canal system and preserve natural tooth structure. Its matching obturation predictably fits shapes made with the instrument.

TruNatomy has several advantages for endodontic treatment, including more space for debris removal, improved cyclic fatigue and less risk of breakage, reduced risk of blockage thanks to an improved compressibility3 as well as a sense of control and a smooth feeling throughout the procedure.

Additionally, the system enables shorter shaping time and enhanced patient comfort.3

Research has shown that instrumentation can compromise the strength of the tooth — but strength is restored when more dentin is saved.2 TruNatomy offers a unique combination of features that enables efficient root canal treatment while removing dentin only where needed.1 The system provides efficiency with less dentin removal thanks to a combination of dedicated heat-treated NITI (nickel titanium) with a 0.8 mm wire and its patented offcentered cross section shaping files with regressive taper to offer superior efficiency (compared to progressive taper instruments).

Additionally, TruNatomy Orifice Modifier shapes the orifice to create the entry point without straight line access, preserving pericervical dentin.

TruNatomy is made to be used for a variety of endodontic cases, even complex ones that can call for more accuracy and control. This treatment solution works especially well in situations when the root canal system is curved, calcified, or challenging to access.

While TruNatomy has a short learning curve, it is recommended that dentists and endodontists explore specialized training in order to use TruNatomy efficiently. The manufacturer of TruNatomy, Dentsply Sirona, provides a range of training alternatives to aid dental professionals in mastering the system. Online lessons, instructional videos, and practical training programs can all fall under this category. Dental professionals can help make sure they are utilizing TruNatomy safely and effectively and giving their patients the optimum results by completing the training.

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  1. Données internes sur fichier. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez envoyer un courriel à  
  2. Sedgley CM, Messer HH. Are endodontically treated teeth more brittle? J Endod. 1992 Jul;18(7):332-
  3. Comparativement à ProTaper Next. Données internes sur fichier. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez envoyer un courriel à
  4. Y-L Ng, V. Mann et K. Gulabivala, Tooth survival following non-surgical root canal treatment: a systematic review of the literature. Int Endod J, 2010 43(3): p. 171-89