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Densde Dental

Natural Light in Abundance

When Dr. Chen Eison says that he was, “born and raised in the environment of a dental clinic,” he isn’t being facetious. There are currently seven dentists in his family, including his father, brother, sister, and two cousins. As part of the fourth generation of dentists going back to his great-grandfather, he is proudly carrying on a family tradition. His new practice, DENSDE Dental, officially opened in March of 2020.

The practice includes six dentists, eight assistants and two receptionists. Dr. Eison focuses on the field of dental restoration and in addition, the practice specializes in implant dentistry and orthodontics.

Natural Perspective Meets the Modern City

Since May 6th, 1954, the family has operated the first dental clinic in Taiwan. As an island, views of the water are often the scenic backdrop of dental clinics. Therefore, when Dr. Chen Eison began looking to open a practice in Shanghai, he searched for over a year before selecting the ideal site along the Huangpu River with stunning views of the water. A prominent design element within the practice, its full-length windows take advantage of the combination of dramatic urban setting and natural beauty with expansive views over Shanghai and the water. At their appointments, “Patients can enjoy the sea, river and boats nearby,” says Dr. Eison.

The design of the practice is aimed at helping patients feel comfortable and relaxed. The overall color scheme is built around black and white while dark wood tones are used for some of the floors and walls. The practice’s waiting area has coffee and refreshments available. Each consultation room is unique and patients sometimes choose rooms that fit their own preferences. Dr. Eison notes that the practice also has a personal touch: “I had the idea that what I use in my own home will be provided to patients in the practice. For example, the air purifiers and aromatherapy are all the same brands that I use in my own home. I hope to share my favorite things with everyone, to create a warm feeling for patients.”

There are seven treatment rooms in total including one operating room, one orthodontics room, two rooms for pediatric dentistry, two general rooms, and an additional one for VIPs. The VIP treatment room and corresponding waiting room have dark wood elements to accentuate the natural lighting.

A treatment room at DENSDE Dental with modern Dentsply Sirona treatment centers.

Equipment Ready for a Digital Future

The practice is equipped with ten Dentsply Sirona treatment centers and an Orthophos SL 3D imaging unit. Their aesthetic design and beautiful color options fit well into DENSDE Dental’s room design, complementing the natural wood tones of the floors and walls. The digital equipment is important to Dr. Eison and the team as they plan to move into digital dentistry targeted to the specializations of the practice. State-of-the-art equipment gives Dr. Eison’s practice room to grow while the timeless design, incorporating natural elements and spectacular view, makes his practice a welcoming atmosphere for patients.

There was no pandemic when I bought the Sinius, but I discovered that its automatic disinfection function was very powerful. I also took a video of this device to show my peers. ‘My device has automatic disinfection function. What about yours?’ I said proudly.

Dr. Eison

One of the waiting rooms at DENSDE Dental.

Exquisite waiting room with dark wood floors, full-length windows and tasteful artwork.

Discover Other Trends

Learn more about the exceptional design trends Calming Comfort and Artistic Spirit and their implementation in dental practices worldwide. They all create a unique patient experience that combines comfort with excellent clinical outcomes.

Calming Comfort

The Calming Comfort trend uses light pastel colors and creates a fresh and relaxing ambience.

Artistic Spirit

Artistic Spirit takes a refreshingly creative and heterogeneous approach to design.

Reach out for more information

Find out more about Treatment Centers from Dentsply Sirona by requesting further product information. We would be pleased to get in touch.