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Designed to go BEYOND

At Dentsply Sirona, we value excellent design that marries function, comfort and aesthetics – a case in point is our new Axano treatment center. Its smart design makes a great impression while offering a fantastic experience and innovative features.In view of the environmental - challenges that the world faces, we at Dentsply Sirona now approach design with a truly holistic view that includes considerations of sustainability.        

By introducing sustainability principles in your practice, you can take a truly holistic approach to dental office design. Be it by a conscious choice of a sustainable design, working materials, efforts of waste reduction or introducing more efficient work processes, there are numerous ways you can redesign how your practice looks and operates that will make your ecological and social footprint a more positive one. These principles also pay off by enabling you to provide patients and employees with a truly holistic experience that is in harmony with our collective ambition for a kind, healthy and great world. 

Step by step, we as an industry can and should go beyond. Dentsply Sirona has embarked on this journey and invites you to travel this path with us. 


Taking action

The challenges facing our environment and society are substantial. They require all of us to come together and go beyond expectations. Dentsply Sirona is committed to facing these sustainability challenges by taking action – and doing so not only by integrating sustainability and lifecycle thinking into everything we do, but also by setting a trend and inspiring others in our industry to do more.

In September 2021, Dentsply Sirona published its first Sustainability Report, Beyond. Taking Action for A Brighter World, which outlines our sustainability strategy, our 2020 sustainability performance and our goals for the coming years. Aligned with 10 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), our strategy focuses on three strategic pillars:  "Healthy Planet", which strives to mitigate the environmental impact of our operations; “Healthy Smiles,” which focuses on improving oral health quality and access globally, supporting dentists and fostering a healthy company culture; and, “Healthy Business,” which ensures our business is built via responsible and transparent practices and the effective integration of sustainability principles across a variety of aspects of our business. Among the goals that we have set for ourselves are, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, a decrease in waste or water withdrawal, as well as achieving gender parity and gender pay parity by 2025.

In matters of sustainability, the saying “it takes a village” could not be more true.  Dentsply Sirona is partnering with several global organizations to advance sustainability in dentistry in different ways.

Achieving more together

One notable initiative is a landmark project with the FDI World Dental Federation in which Dentsply Sirona is a founding partner. The “Sustainability in Dentistry” project aims to produce a suite of tools and resources for dental practices and patients to be more environmentally sustainable. This partnership will develop a Code of Good Practice, which will provide guidelines and objectives for achieving a sustainable procurement and supply procedure. 

This is a big challenge to tackle but it also translates into an extraordinary opportunity for the entire dental industry to come together and create a tangible, lasting impact for your dental offices, for the dental patients and for the planet – all in a wonderful design.

Beyond a positive impact on the environment, sustainability is also about improving lives and supporting people and communities in need.

That’s why Dentsply Sirona partners with Smile Train – a renowned global NGO that works to improve oral health for children around the world affected by clefts. Over the past 20 years, Smile Train has helped over 1.5 million children get quality cleft care. Smile Train’s vision is to give every child with a cleft the opportunity for a healthy, more confident, productive life, free from the stigma.

Our collaboration seeks to ensure that children not only get this life-changing treatment but also have lasting access to the best healthcare possible.  Dentsply Sirona is helping Smile Train to establish state-of-the-art centers for treatment as well as the training to equip people in local communities with the skills needed to provide treatment and raise the standard of care to the highest level for years to come. To further support their educational needs, we have made our entire online catalog of courses available to Smile Train oral health professionals.

Together, creating sustainable dentistry

As one of the leading companies in digital dentistry, Dentsply Sirona sees sustainability as a responsibility, and we hope to motivate and enable the dental industry towards a surge of sustainability action.  We are on a journey – and only if we come together can we truly make the world a brighter place for future generations. 

Let’s go Beyond, together! Take action with us by:

1. Donating funds to Smile Train, or, if you prefer something more hands-on, donating your time by volunteering in locations that need expert professionals.

2. Becoming a source of inspiration for us all: Tell us what are the sustainable design choices you have made or are planning to make?  

For additional information, please visit the Sustainability Hub on our website or go directly to Smile Train or the FDI Sustainability in Dentistry websites. 

Reach out for more information

Find out more about Treatment Centers from Dentsply Sirona by requesting further product information. We would be pleased to get in touch.