These advanced courses will introduce experienced clinicians to bone grafting materials, techniques and procedures, including socket preservation, horizontal ridges, and sinuses internally and externally. As participants progress through the learning journey, special attention will be given to immediate placement/loading, the esthetic zone, and surgical and restorative complications prevention and management.
This mastery-level course discusses both the prevention and management of surgical and restorative complications. Within the surgical realm, the presentation focuses on early implant failure and later peri-implant disease. Prosthetic concepts will involve preventative prosthesis design, screw/abutment removal, and sequencing that acknowledges the importance of patient experience.
The implant course series is an interactive, procedure-based series of courses that use individual cases to teach current implant treatment. This approach is in contrast to conventional dental education that focuses more on didactic topics and theory. The purpose of using this educational approach is to highlight the patients and procedures found in everyday clinical practice, where the most important concepts are observed and discussed in multiple clinical scenarios.
This mastery-level course discusses both the prevention and management of surgical and restorative complications. Within the surgical realm, the presentation focuses on early implant failure and later peri-implant disease. Prosthetic concepts will involve preventative prosthesis design, screw/abutment removal, and sequencing that acknowledges the importance of patient experience.
The implant course series is an interactive, procedure-based series of courses that use individual cases to teach current implant treatment. This approach is in contrast to conventional dental education that focuses more on didactic topics and theory. The purpose of using this educational approach is to highlight the patients and procedures found in everyday clinical practice, where the most important concepts are observed and discussed in multiple clinical scenarios.
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